Michael Brown Control Engineering CC 

Practical Process Control Training & Loop Optimisation



Comments from course graduates around the world


"Having endured the university electrical engineering programme, taking all of the offered control courses, and graduating honours with distinction, I felt that I was well prepared for the real worlds control problems. The reality is that few real world problems lend themselves to theoretical analysis.


"Then this course came along, which tied theory to the real world. It was the most refreshing and welcome course I have ever attended. The course is oriented at solving problems and uses numerous examples of real control problems and solutions to drive the lessons home. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who gets involved in the design, commissioning or maintenance of process control."


Yours truly,
R.J.van Steenoven, PEng. (Instrumentation and Control)




"A must for sceptical engineers. This is one of the best classes I have attended."




"Probably the most professional course I've been on. Excellent."

Leading SA Sugar Mill



"I wish this teaching method would be adopted in universities."

C & I Engineer